Current Effort: Relief for Ukraine

“This is so hard to watch. These beautiful, kind people. And they are good people too. We love them. I love them. You should love them. They need food and clothing. Please wake up. Please see this. It’s horrible, I know, but please open your eyes and see this so you can do what you can. That is the big question. Will you do what you can?”
-Her Eminence Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo
Please help today. Funds will go to relief organizations on the ground providing supplies to Ukrainians who are suffering and desperately need our help.
KPC is working with multiple groups to provide urgently needed food, medical, clothing, and other supplies. Please donate whatever you can.
As a result of the effort inspired, led and blessed by Jetsunma, KPC’s Buddhist Relief efforts raised $21K over a period of three days (3/12-3/14) to purchase over 450 units of greatly needed QuikClot wound treatment materials, bleeding control kits and tourniquets. These life-saving materials will be shipped to Ukraine where each of these latest-technology hemostatic (literally: blood stopping) packages will increase survivability chances for hundreds of wounded military and civilians.
Help keep up the efforts. Speed is important and the time is now.