Over 1 Ton of Food Delivered to the Upcounty Hub Last Friday!

With pandemic SNAP benefits no longer available and the rising cost of food, families often need to decide between paying for healthcare, or electricity, or food. No one should have to choose amongst basic necessities.
To meet this increased need, Buddhist Relief is ramping up our donations to our nonprofit partners.

On Friday, we delivered over a TON of food (literally!!) to The Upcounty Hub. 2,240 lbs in total which took 5 vehicles to deliver and filled four of the Hub’s big blue bins.

To give you an idea of what 2,240 pounds of food looks like, picture this:
73 jars apple sauce
35 dried kidney beans
61 bags regular lentils
1 canned hams
60 boxed cereals
53 oatmeal
25 cans chili no beans
52 cookies
60 Dinty Moore stews
97 honey bears
48 jam/jelly Smuckers
80 CapriSun
49 ketchup
90 Mac and cheese
44 masa corn flour
40 mustard
96 jars mayonnaise
60 cans mixed nuts
36 Alfredo pasta sauce
14 boxes pasta elbows
48 boxes spaghetti pasta
13 jars of dill pickles
45 vanilla snack pack puddings
25 bags quinoa (1 lb)
15 boxes raisins (1 oz)
55 2lb bags white rice
56 salad dressings
23 salsas Pace
51 boxes of salt
23 Campbells chunky soup
50 pho soup bowls
46 Progresso soup cans
22 Sriracha
32 sugar (2 lb)
8 vegetable oils
4 gallons of milk – quarts or half gallons
50 lbs apples
50 lbs oranges
50 lbs cabbage, plus fresh green beans, rainbow chard, curly kale, and green onions from Jetsunma’s garden and KPC’s Buddhist Giving Garden

At Buddhist Relief, we know that we can accomplish the most good when we work together. That’s why we partner with other nonprofit organizations, like the Upcounty Hub, strategically filling gaps to extend our combined reach and serve more families.
Buddhist Relief donates food, clothing, and other essential items to our nonprofit partners on a daily basis — and we couldn’t do it without your support. Help us help them by donating here: bit.ly/Support-Buddhist-Relief
You can also bring in-kind donations of non-perishable food or clothing to the bins on the front porch of KPC Buddhist Temple in Poolesville, MD.
All donations offered to KPC/Buddhist Relief are fully tax-deductible.