The Wetlands Is Functioning

This is a big deal for the Capital Campaign, as this system will support all the new buildings. Further, it is the ONLY functioning man-made wetlands in the State of Maryland, is very state of the art and is another example of Jetsunma’s caring for the earth.
Below is a video explanation of the history of these wetlands. It was given by Claire Seesman during an online worldwide sangha meeting, January 13, 2023.
What just happened?
As of March 29, 2023, the new wastewater system went live, and we will not need any more bi-weekly pumping. The overall system is designed to function automatically and is being monitored daily through the remote monitoring system. Alarm notifications are being set up so that everyone involved will get a message in the event of a malfunction. The system does not need a lot of attention, but like any machine it requires some maintenance.
KPC is working with HydroTerra on the required manual for the system and they will send a copy to the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and will bring one to be kept on site. The MDE requires monthly and quarterly monitoring, which HydroTerra will plan on doing in conjunction with preventative maintenance trips. They will also be able to take care of the required online reporting.

This is life changing for Claire Seesman, our on-site Operator, but mainly for David Bailey, who will now, finally be able to officially retire from Chief Operator! It’s been a long time coming! We can’t thank David Bailey enough for his vision, dedication and leadership in keeping our wastewater treatment going for decades! KPC would not be open without wastewater treatment and we’ve all learned so much from him.
For those of you who don’t know, the wetlands used to require daily physical presence in monitoring, often including getting down and dirty changing filters, moving pipes to control flow and troubleshooting issues, like frozen, burst UV light tubes. In addition, there are lab testing standards that water needs to meet. Licensed Operators have to maintain coursework and rigorous scientific testing and are the legally responsible party if something goes completely awry.
Now, although we will still need to periodically perform physical checks of the system, the daily monitoring is digital and the physical changes to the system are on automatic controls! Claire Seesman will still be the Licensed Operator but will have support from Hydro-Terra.

Thank you to all the Capital Campaign donors and to everyone who made this happen! This completes the first part of Phase 1 of the Capital Campaign to rebuild KPC in a way that will benefit beings long into the future. This wastewater system is only the beginning! More improvements to come!