Donate to KPC Maryland

Your generous donations help provide the world with places of spiritual refuge, and help make the following things possible:
- Maintain the 24 Hour Prayer Vigil for world peace, unbroken since 1985
- Build and maintain Temples and stupas
- Host many amazing teachers, including Her Eminence Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo Rinpoche, His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, and others
- Reach out through cyberspace to offer live teachings via streaming video
- Maintain one of the largest Buddhist ordained communities in the West
- Further the Buddha’s compassionate activity in the world through animal rescue and community service
Become a Sustaining Donor to KPC Maryland

“If one participates in providing a place of spiritual pilgrimage, the blessings are countless and beyond description.”
– H.E. Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo Rinpoche, KPC Spiritual Director
KPC is truly a rare treasure in this world. Whether you have just discovered KPC or have visited on a frequent basis, it is a powerful refuge and spiritual tool. To ensure this treasure is available to you and generations to come, if you are able, we ask you to consider becoming a recurring donor to KPC. Your monthly pledge ensures there will always be a place of healing, hope and inspiration here.
Make a one-time donation, or become a sustaining donor.