The Amitabha Stupa Land Preservation Project Begins

In July, 2022 the City of Sedona awarded KPC a grant of $12,000 for repairs, improvements, mitigation work on the trails and “Leave No Trace” signage at the Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park! Here is the description of the project, pretty much as it was submitted to the city.
“We are seeking funding to preserve the pristine, natural environment of the 14-acre Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park that has been serving Sedona residents and visitors for 18 years. Funds are needed to mitigate environmental damage caused by increased foot traffic over the last several years, which escalated dramatically during the pandemic period. The damage takes the form of the creation of impromptu new trails in places we don’t want them, and damage to existing trails, resulting in plant destruction, packed earth that is less absorbent and hospitable to plant life, diminished wildlife habitat, and increased run-off and erosion. To prevent further damage, we seek funding to install a mixture of [barrier] plantings, red rock borders, fences and signage to better define the approved trails and block the areas we want to protect, plus signage throughout the property to educate visitors about practices consistent with the “Leave No Trace” program.”

September 2022 Update
We started by moving over 30 tons of rock to form 2 walls of boulders and to stage smaller rocks in places where volunteers could start building borders on the trails. On the last day of September, we placed the first “Leave No Trace” signs on the 3 main paths to the Amitabha Stupa.