It’s Giving Tuesday Today!

Generosity is a heart-opening practice. You’ll quickly discover that when you give, your heart opens even more. KPC has many ongoing activities and efforts that help the community and all sentient beings. Some of which include our 65- acre Peace Park and wildlife sanctuary with many stupas, our 24-hour prayer vigil, our food and giving gardens, our meditation classes, regular Buddhist teachings and more!
With an open heart, please support KPC Giving Tuesday!

Growing food.
Our Giving Garden and hoop house provide almost year-round fresh produce for our partners, and serve as an outdoor learning classroom to help others increase food security.

Caring for animals.
Opportunities for hands-on experience providing care for many types of beings – goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese – are accessible to visitors.

Constructing monuments of peace.
The landscape is dotted with Stupas, sacred statues, and Lady Liberty.

Praying and ritual practices.
Since 1985, KPC has been home to the 24-hour Prayer, honored many thousands of
prayer requests, and offered practices for the deceased.

Maintaining tranquil walking trails.
Seven acres surrounding the temple plus a 65-acre Peace Park and wildlife preserve are available for the community to enjoy year ’round.

Working for the environment.
A state-of-the-art constructed wetlands system, which is purifying and reclaiming our waste water, has been upgraded, and we are looking to increase our usage of solar energy.

Offering diverse types of meditation
– traditional Buddhist, as well as secular.

All of these ongoing programs and activities are done under the guidance of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo and made possible totally by your donations. From the smallest to the largest dollar amount, each donation becomes a part of all these efforts to alleviate suffering, whatever form it takes. We thank you for being a supporter of KPC in the past.

Your past support has given hope to so many, and we are grateful for your generosity. With all of the uncertainty in the world today, your support is needed now more than ever. Your donation will allow these activities to continue to grow, expand, and flourish. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for partnering with us to be a beacon of light and compassion in the world.