Khenpo Karze Schedules Regular Teachings at KPC

We joyfully announce that Khenpo Karze will offer a Dharma banquet of regular teachings at KPC. These can be attended in person in the Prayer Room at KPC Maryland, or on zoom, if that’s not possible.
Beginning March 16th, Khenpo will offer regular public teachings on the first and third Saturdays of each month at 7pm (EDT)
In addition, beginning March 27th, he will offer public Q&A sessions on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm.
Membership opportunities are being arranged for attending the ongoing series. Stay tuned for more information on topics, and administration details. We are announcing now to make sure you have time to put it on your calendar.

In his short time here at KPC, Khenpo Karze has become a beloved member of our Dharma family. He has engaged in all aspects of KPC projects, immersing himself in Jetsunma’s multi-faceted compassionate activities. He has been astonished and delighted at all that is being accomplished with KPC Buddhist Relief, as well as the more traditional Dharma supports that are everywhere here at KPC, including the 24-hour prayer vigil that has been ongoing for almost 40 years.

After completing the NNI Shedra program at Namdroling Monastery in South India, and receiving his Khenpo certificate, Khenpo Karze has taught in various places throughout India, Asia, and Europe. This is his first time in the USA. We are so lucky to have him! Please join us for these teachings as often as you can!